Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh Noes Bieber Got A Haircut!!!



Yes, it is true that Justin Bieber got a haircut. It's sad that he got a haircut because I'm so used "his look". We all have to grow up someday and I guess cutting his hair was one of those ways to show everybody, including himself, that he's growing up. As we all know that next week is his birthday!!! (March 1st) He's going to be 17!!! I can't believe that 4 years have already gone by, it's going by sooo fast! I remember his first video he posted up on youtube. He was soo little and soo adorible, and still is. Now look at him. He's gotten so far and will keep going until he gets to the top. So if you were one of those people who stopped following him because he cut his hair....YOU ARE CRAZY!!!